Mafia Mike's & Bangkok Update

So, since some of you have been asking about Mafia Mike's:

Yes, the Mafia cap is off of Mafia Mike's (the property in New York - assuming you have property and not rackets).

However, the price has gone up significantly. At around 600 Mafia Mike's, it will take around 100 days to get a return on your investment, so make sure you calculate that before dumping a bunch of money into them:

Cost of Property
Pay per hour * 24


Mafia Mike's #600 costs ~$30,000,000. Pays 12,000 per hour. $30,000,000 / ($12,000 per hour * 24 hours per day) = ~104 days.

Mafia Mike's are now worth no more than Valu-Marts (or even less) in terms of the time they will take to pay you back for having them.

Note: They didn't reduce the price output of your Mafia Mike's, but rather significantly increased the cost. So if you had 1,000 Mafia Mike's before, this change does not negatively effect you in any way.

Mafia Wars Bangkok

In other news, looks like a few stealth changes (or maybe I just did not notice the first time around) to Mafia Wars: Bangkok.

Now, when you are in Moscow and you go to fly to Bangkok, the "New" tag is gone (at least on my version of Mafia Wars).

Additionally, as expected, there will be a new type of currency for Bangkok, the Baht, which you can see at the top left of the screen by the "bank" screen. Clicking "bank" just leads back to New York for now.

Mafia Wars Bangkok could really be just a few days away!

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