Bangkok Collections Guide

There are two new collections to go along with the two new episodes released in Mafia Wars Bangkok - the Chess Set Collection and the Masks Collection. Here are the pictures and stats:

Chest Set Collection - Episode 1 (Brawler) - Reward: +5 energy

Items in set: Chessboard, Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King

Boost for Re-Vaulting: Chess Master (-8 job energy costs).

Masks Collection - Episode 2 (Criminal) - Reward: +5 defense

Items in set: Agat Talai's Mask, Sukreep's Mask, Palee's Mask, Phra Ram's Mask, Indrachit's Mask, Hanuman's Mask, Tosakanth's Mask

Boost Reward for Re-Vaulting: War Paint (+32 attack skill)


And that is it so far for Bangkok's new collections. More (and hopefully better) collections will be added as more episodes are released.

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