Earning Baht Guide

If you haven't yet played Mafia Wars Bangkok, the currency situation is pretty tight. Players working through the first two episodes will find themselves starved for cash in a situation similar to pre-nerf Moscow.

Episode 1 requires $B552,000 in items alone (plus a job even costs $B to do!). This does not seem like a lot of money when you compare to figures from other cities or countries, but in Bangkok, the jobs in the first episode only pay out around $15B per energy point spent, and that's with a 11% Bagman / Wheelman / Mastermind and a Private Island. This translates to roughly 36,800 energy that will need to be spent to collect enough $B to finish Episode 1.

In Episode 2, the cash:energy ratio improves to about $B21.5 per energy point spent, but the cost rises to a whopping $B1,462,500, meaning about 68,000 energy will need to be spent in order to collect enough $B to finish Episode 2.

That's a lot of $B! This makes Episodes 1 and 2 nearly as rough as Episode 6 of Moscow pre-nerf, and that is rough!

To help you through this, here are a variety of ways to get money in Bangkok. Note that the strategies may change with the release of later episodes.

Doing Jobs

The main method for making money (at least for now) will be from doing jobs repetitively, especially if you have a lot of energy. There are two things of importance to note with this in mind.

1. Doing jobs can also earn you faction points.

2. Jobs in Episode 2 pay out more $B per energy point than Episode 1 jobs.

As a result, you want to 1) get to episode 2 right away to collect $B and 2) do jobs that pay out faction so that you can knock out two birds with one stone.

This makes the "Set Up a Phony Business" perfect for collecting $B. As I mentioned earlier in my faction post, you can repeat this job many times until you max out one faction completely at 1500 points. In the process you will earn quite a bit of $B.

Envelope of Baht

There is a free gift, which I am sure many of you have seen floating around by now. You give them and receive them just like any free gift. When you get one, you can see it on the Bangkok Home Page:

Simply click the open button to get your $B.

I've seen these pay out anywhere from $B200 to the high 700s; I figure the median is somewhere around $B. The downside is that this is not very much; you would need over 3500 envelopes to collect the $B1,400,000 needed to master Episode 2. The upside is you can get as many as your friends will send.

In other words, these are a nice supplement to your income, especially while you are starting out, but certainly should not be thought of as a major source.


I covered Bangkok businesses in a previous post. Get to episode 2 first. As you upgrade businesses, do the cheapest business first, then the second cheapest, so on and so forth.

Boss Bonus

Some people have been able to get $B2,000,000+ bonuses for friends helping them out on boss fights. According to a FFfreak on the comments section of a previous post, here is how it works:

"If you finish off the boss of a tier in Bangkok a third time, post that you defeated him. And if someone helps you with that bonus you get +200000 Baht. ( the one who helps gets 1000 Baht). Eventually your mafia can help a max of 10 times. And you get 2000000 Baht and 1 experience. Tested this with my main and 2 energy accounts."

If this works for you, then you will have all the money you need (at least until they release Episodes 3 and 4!).

Selling Equipment

In Bangkok, the items required for each episode are very simple. On the new loot page, note that there are 6 weapons, vehicles, and armor pieces available to purchase. Also note that Episode 1 just requires 1 of each item type, and Episode 2 requires one of each item type (different from Episode 1). I think it is safe to say that each episode will continue with this trend, using just 3 loot pieces total and not using any items from the previous episode.

As a result, as soon as you are done with an episode, you should be able to sell your old equipment once you are done with it. I sold all my equipment from episode 1 and all my equipment episode 2 (except for 15 pistols for the first job) and then invested all the money into businesses.


Note that strategies may change as newer episodes are added. For example, fighting is not live yet in Mafia Wars Bangkok; if players are able to win $B65,000 per fight like they can in other cities, fighting will be a huge earner for low-energy accounts.

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