Getting Going on Jobs - Mafia Wars Strategy

As you start out as a street thug, you'll see that energy goes
fast and you need a lot of tools to run your crime organization.
Use your profile points at first to go all toward your energy. In
the initial stages of the game there is almost no fighting so put
everything you've got initially into boosting the amount of
energy you have.
Go to your inventory and pick up the basic weapons you'll need.
The required tools are displayed on the same line as the job and
when an item is red it means you either don't have it or need
more of that particular item to do the job. Go ahead and buy
everything you need to start those jobs except for maybe the
motorcycle to pull the 'Rob a Pimp' job. You can save that one
for last if you prefer because the motorcycle has upkeep and we
haven't talked about optimizing your cash flow yet.
Do the jobs that cost more energy first. If you want to build up
some cash faster, pull the job 'Collect on a Loan' because it
pays high and the energy cost is very low. Don't waste your
high energy on the small jobs like mugging, save that for when
your energy has all run out and it recharges little by little. Then
pull the small jobs.
Focus on just one job at a time as much as possible until
you've mastered it. Once you master a job you're given bonus
points which you can use to get more energy for more jobs.
It's entirely up to you how many point you allocate to energy.
You don't need to get more stamina for fights because it
recharges fast and all fights only cost 1 stamina, but energy
costs are high so you need a lot of it.
Once you master all the jobs in a section, the jobs will restart at
the next level. So you'll need to redo all the jobs again to
remaster at the higher level.
As you do jobs, you'll pick up lots of goodies and bonuses. This
is the good thing about doing a bunch of jobs before jumping
into fights. Save the fights until you've got a sizeable mafia and
some good weapons and defenses in place.
Avoid the temptation for revenge while you're running jobs.
Sometimes you'll be attacked. Let it go while you build your
mafia's business stronger. Become strong first and then you
can pick on weaker mafias all day long.
I've broken down the jobs, the tools you'll need, and the loot
they give. This is your reference guide to always know exactly
which job you need to do in order to get certain loot.
Street Thug (Level 1-4)
To do all the Thug jobs you'll need 1 Pistol, 1 Crowbar, 1
Sawed Off Shotgun, 1 Machine Pistol, 1 Baseball Bat, and 1
The loot you'll acquire:
.22 Pistol -Beat Up Rival Gangster
9mm Semi-Automatic -Rob A Pimp
Associate (Level 5-8)
To do all the Associate jobs you'll need 1 Crowbar, 2 Colt
Pistols, 2 Sawed Off Shotguns, 3 Tommy Guns, 1 Bullet-Proof
Vest, 3 Sedans, 1 Armored Sedan, 1 Delivery Truck, and 1
The loot you'll acquire: Butterfly Knife
-Collect Protection Money Brass Knuckles
-Rough Up Dealers Tactical Shotgun
-Perform a Hit .45 Revolver -Take Out A
Rouge Cop
Soldier (Level 9-12)
To do all the Soldier jobs you'll need 1 Bullet Proof Vest, 2
Tactical Shotguns, 4 Machine Pistols, 1 Chain Gun, 4 Tommy
Guns, 3 Sedans, 2 Armored Sedans, and 4 Motorcycles.
The loot you'll acquire: C-4 -Destroy Enemy Mob Hideout
Stab-Proof Vest -Kill A Protected Snitch Automatic Rifle -Bust a
Made Man Out of Prison Semi-Automatic Shotgun -Fight a
Haitian Gang Lucky Shamrock Medallion – Clip the Irish Mob's
Local Enforcer Firebomb – Steal a Tanker Truck
Enforcer (Level 13-17)
To do all the Enforcer jobs you'll need 10 Grenades, 2 .45 Colt
Revolvers, 2 Chain Guns, 10 Tommy Guns, 4 Firebombs, 3
Bullet Proof Vests, 1 Sedan, 2 Armored Sedans, 2 Luxury Town
Cars, 3 Getaway Cruisers, and 2 Delivery Trucks. You will also
need to run the preparation jobs to get Cards, Liquor, Tokens
(Poker Chips), and Wire Tap Devices. The items acquired in
preparation jobs can only be used once in a job, so you'll need
to do the preparation jobs frequently to do the big ones.
The loot you'll acquire:
Armored Truck -Smuggle Across The Border
Concealable Camera/ Computer Set Up/ Untraceable Phone
Rob and Electronics Store
Hitman (Level 18-24)
To do all the Hitman jobs you'll need 15 Chain Guns, 10
Grenades, 5 Machine Pistols, 5 Body Armors, 3 Armored
Sedans, 4 Luxury Town Cars, and 10 Getaway Cruisers. You'll
need to repeatedly run preparation jobs from now on to get loot
drops in order to get the other items you'll need, the
concealable camera and telephone wiretap devices.
The loot you'll acquire:
Grenade Launcher -Repel the Yakuza
.50 Caliber Rifle -Disrupt Rival Smuggling Ring
Armored Car -Invade Tong-Controlled
RPG Launcher -Sell Guns to Russian
Bodyguards -Protect Your City Against A Rival Family
Night Vision Goggles -Assassinate A Political Figure
Napalm Attack -Exterminate a Rival Family
Blackmail Photos – Obtain Compromising Photos
Capo (Level 25-34)
To do all the Capo jobs you'll need 15 Chain Guns, 5 Automatic
Rifles, 4 Semi-Automatic Shotguns, 1 Tactical Shotgun, 4
Tommy Guns, 1 .45 Colt Revolver, 15 Body Armors, 2 Night
Vision Goggles, 2 Body Guards, 2 Untraceable Cell Phones, 4
Motorcycles, 4 Armored Trucks, 5 Luxury Town Cars, and 4
Getaway Cruisers. You'll need to repeatedly run preparation
jobs to get loot drops in order to get the other items you'll need.
The loot you'll acquire:
Prop Plane -Steal An Air Freight Delivery
Harley Davidson -Run a Biker Gang Out Of Town
Illegal Transaction Records -Steal Bank Records
Consigliere (Level 35-59)
To do all the Consigliere jobs you'll need Blackmail Photos, 5
Delivery Trucks, 4 Semi-Automatic Shotguns, 2 Speed Boats, 1
Hacksaw, 1 Prop Plane, 5 Automatic Rifles, Untraceable Cell
Illegal Transaction Records, 2 .22 Pistols, 10 Chain Guns, 2 .50
Caliber Rifles, 2 Night Vision Goggles, 2 Body Guards, 10
Luxury Town Cars, and 2 Grenade Launchers. You'll need to
repeatedly run preparation jobs to get loot drops in order to get
the other items you'll need.
The loot you'll acquire:
Luxury Yacht – Influence a Harbor Official
Porsche 911 – Ransom a Businessman's Kids
Bookie's Holdout Pistol – Fix the Big Game
Underboss (Level 60-99)
To do all the Underboss jobs you'll need Computer Set Ups, 6
Armored Trucks, 20 Chain Guns, 2 Humvees, 6 Automatic
Rifles, Untraceable Cell Phones, Illegal Transaction Records, 12
Body Armors, 4 Luxury Town Cars, 4 Getaway Cruisers, 4
Armored Cars, 1 AR-15 Assault Rifle, and 4 Grenade
Launchers. You'll need to repeatedly run preparation jobs to get
loot drops in order to get the other items you'll need.
The loot you'll acquire:
Humvee – Break Into the Armory
AR-15 Assault Rifle – Rip Off the Armenian Mob
As you pick up items such as poker chips and cards, be sure to
hang on to them. Don't waste your energy pulling the little jobs
all the time. When you have lots of energy, pull the big energy jobs first
and then do the little ones later. The big ones give you more
experience and you'll be able to recharge your energy quicker
by advancing a level.

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