Growing Your Mafia - Mafia Wars Strategy

Initially, this seems like the hardest part unless you're really
experienced with these kinds of games or 'applications' on
social networking sites. To go out and recruit people into your
mafia quickly and successfully, follow the steps here and your
mafia will be huge in no time.
Method #1) Invite all your existing network friends to play. This
is easy because the application has a built-in feature to do this,
however, it's limited because the application needs to cooperate
with the social network website and not spam.
To overcome the limitations imposed by the built-in feature of
the application, you need to get your recruiting link and go out
and invite your friends individually. This will actually bring
MORE of your friends into your mafia than by using the
automated features.
Take a minute and craft your personalized invitation message
for your friends. Tell them that even if they don't want to play,
you benefit by them simply accepting the invitation. You want
your mafia to be huge in numbers so even the people who
never use applications but accept to be in your mafia will speed
the game along for you. Some of the least expected friends can
turn into your strongest mafia bosses so invite everybody.
Send your personalized invitation via the private message
feature. Don't try to send to everybody too fast because you
don't want Myspace or Facebook to kick in its anti-spam
defenses. Send a message every few minutes until you've
invited your best friends. Try to pick the most active members
first as they'll be most likely to accept and play the game with
Method #2) Use forums to recruit super players
In Mafia Wars, you need at least six players in your mafia who
are totally addicted to the game and will reach the higher
levels. These are the players you want to put into your 'top
mafia' by promoting them to be your wheelman, your
safecracker, etc. When you promote players who are further
along in the game, you get bigger rewards in jobs and fights.
To find these people, go to the "Apps" directory on Facebook.
In the Search Applications box, enter 'Mafia Wars'. The first and
best one is #1 by Zynga, the one we're talking about in this
report. Go ahead and click it. It will take you to the application's
home page. What's interesting is that there is a discussion
board on this page. It's where you'll see people asking and
answering questions about the game. It's a good place to hang
out if you have doubts, but the best part is that this is where
players post to recruit members into their mafia.
What you do is add all of these people who are posting for
more mafia members to your own mafia. You add them as a
friend and I recommend you include a personal message at
the time of adding saying something like "for mafia wars" or
just paste your recruiting link in there so they know you're not
a stalker and want to play the game with them. There's no
limit to how much you can do this, and it's the fastest way to
build a supercharged mafia.
It's important to recruit early in the game because the best way
to get cash flow going (in order to get stronger weapons and
vehicles) is to buy "Mafia Mike's" property. It's cheap and
offers awesome cash flow. You need it in order to get those Tommy Guns
necessary for completing jobs and defending yourself. Recruit
like crazy and your mafia will be gigantic. The limit at the time
of this writing is 500, but you can get there quickly by using this
forum recruiting tactic ALONE!!!
Do both adding people from the forum and post your own little
ad for recruiting. You can also post in the 'Review' section but
tell people to add you as a friend to invite to the game since the
review section doesn't allow you to post your recruiting link.
The comment section does though so feel free to post it there
at least once a day, maybe even once every four or five hours
even since there are so many postings there.
Method #3) Use other social sites to recruit existing players.
If you're playing on Myspace, go to Facebook to recruit players
into your Myspace mafia, and if you're playing on Facebook,
look for the players on Myspace to recruit into your Facebook
mafia. The app also runs on Yahoo, so look for players using
the Yahoo version.
One thing you can do is create a free blog about your personal
'mafia' experiences. Go to and create a blog
dedicated exclusively to your mafia. Write on it daily at first, and
be sure to include 'keywords' related to mafia wars that will help
other players find your blog. You should customize your blog
sidebar to display your recruiting link prominently.
If you don't know what to blog about, just Google some info
about mafia wars and you'll be able to get ideas.
DIRTY TRICK: Write up a blog post about "Mafia Wars Cheats"
and tell people they'll get a bonus by adding you to their mafia.
I've seen other people doing this and while they aren't winning
any real friends, they sure have big mafias…
I've seen similar methods using video sites like YouTube and
Metacafe as well. These are people who promise players a
hidden bonus if they add such-and-such person to their mafia.
It's not very honest unless you give some of your collection
items to these people, in which case it's completely honest and
I encourage you to make those kinds of promises. Otherwise,
just make Mafia Wars Cheat Secrets or something like that the
title of your video to get views but just refer people to your blog
or recruiting link.
You can also use Twitter to recruit on automatic pilot. What you
do is go to and create a free account. You
will also already need an active Twitter account to use this.
What you do is once you've created your account, go to
"Manage My Scheduled Tweets and Twitter Account
Automation." Click the box that says "Auto Welcome" and enter
either your blogger blog or your mafia recruiting link into the
message box. It can only be 120 characters so consider a URL
shortening site like to make the recruiting URL
small enough that you can still add a little blurb of text inviting.
Remind people they have to add you as a friend too!
You can do searches on Twitter so search for mafia wars and
start adding all the people who have anything to say about it.
TweetLater will automatically send your recruiting message to
the people that follow you back. You can do this to hundreds of
Twitter users each day, but don't go overboard because Twitter
also has anti-spam measures built-in to prevent users from
abusing the service. Create multiple Twitter accounts if you want, you only need one TweetLater account for multiple Twitter accounts

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