Secret Stash

As many of you have already noticed, you no longer get random loot drops from fights in Mafia Wars.

Now when you win a fight, you have a chance to find a "secret stash". However, you can't loot it yourself - one of your friends is randomly selected and you can ask them to help you out with it.

When your friend finds your post on their wall, they can click the link on the link. If you click on a friend's secret stash link, you will go to a screen like this:

And you and the friend will both get a few pieces of rather unspectacular loot. It's really weird that you win items that you can buy from the store for New York cash.

The problem with this new secret stash feature is that the majority of the players don't like it. The issue is not really the loot drop loss but rather the fact that you now have to spam.

Between calls for help for NY, Cuba, Moscow jobs and bosses, laundering money, wishlists, leveling-up boosts, limited edition loot pieces, and now even energy packs, the last thing Mafia Wars needs is another function that requires spam. Even worse, you have to post it on your friend's wall rather than your own. Most people don't want other players Mafia Wars posts taking up their personal wall space.

In theory, I'm sure this looked good on paper, it just did not play out well. I don't simply want to be a critic though, so here's my suggestions:

1. Bring back random loots and make finding the "secret stash" much rarer (like a 1/200+ fights).

2. When you do find a secret stash, you should post it to your own wall/feed rather than on some other person's wall. Anyone should be able to help out - first come, first serve.

3. Due to the rarity of the event, increase the loot drops in both number of items and quality of items.

With these simple changes, Mafia Wars would cut down on the spam due to the rarity of finding the secret stash. Posting on your own wall would reduce spam complaints as well. Additionally, it's something people actually look forward to because the loot is better.

Oh well, at the end of the day, I don't count on fighting for loot drops as it is.

Hopefully I will have some news about Mafia Wars Bangkok soon!

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